Friday, January 16, 2009

More Cheese Please

Like I said, when cheese is out, the beggars stand at attention!


  1. Oh THAT'S cute! I have a little silkie chick who just might not move to the coop. She's just one of the dogs as far as she knows. She's never even seen another chicken. Now when everyone tells me I'm crazy, I'll just send them to your blog. haha. Cheers, fellow chicken nut!

  2. What an awesomely cute bird! Are the Aussies good with the chickens?

  3. Thank you, thank you. Having chickens has been even more surprising and entertaining than I imagined. And crazy? Oh yes, but that's half the fun!

  4. Lucca, the tri-color does not like the B's, but he tolerates them. Blu is very good with them though and is protective, he's a very good boy.

  5. Ok the 3 B's are adorable! I've been wanting a couple of crested Polish myself! I don't think I'll be happy until I have one of every breed - they're just so much fun with their own little personalities! They're like little feathery people ;).
    I'll have to check out - I ordered most of my ladies (and 2 gents) from McMurray hatchery and I really don't think I need 25 more this spring!
    Tell the 3 B's hello from me and Thelma and Louise! =)

  6. Cheese??? Seriously??????

  7. Oh yes, the B's are very serious about their cheese. I've found that the shortest route to a B's heart is with CHESSE. Cheese is not only the food that connects us to our European brethren, but may also connect us to our chickens.
